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공지 2020.04.29

Impact Chain Model

Impact Chain Model

Root Impact connects and visualizes in the form of a chain how various social-value-creating business activities correlate with social impact. We believe as the business activities of the organization utilizing this model grow in size, the process and speed of growth can be fed back into the model . We draw indicators of the four components of Activity, Output, Outcome and Impact to regularly measure and check how the intended value of the organization is realized.

We have reaffirmed the scalability of this model via expanding the scope of application to non-profits and startups who have received impact investment. We tested the “Train the Trainer” method while designating a person in charge of impact management within the organization from the very beginning to work together in creating the model, thereby once again confirming that the model is an efficient option even in the long run.

You can download the report of JUMP*, a representative example of the Impact Chain Model, below.

* JUMP is a nonprofit educational social venture company that practices the values of sharing and diversity by training tolerant, talented people and expanding educational opportunities to youths from various backgrounds.